Patrick and Lea are two geologists researching in the Caribbean. One day, they were out on their boat to do some field work and it had a leak - they ran out of fuel to go back to shore. Finding themselves in the middle of the ocean, their best hope was to wash out on the shore somewhere, where they could ask for help returning. But eventually, night fell and they were forced to spend it on the small boat. Morning came and they found themselves close to land. They paddled but soon realized their plan hadn't worked - they'd washed up on a deserted island. Although this might normally be a great opportunity for their research, they were now stranded. They couldn't ask for help returning or call anyone. All that was left to do was find shelter and wait for someone to come find them.
"Ugh, NO!" Lea was frustrated. "You have GOT to be kidding me!" She kicked the sand.